Employee Attendance System

Time Attendance systems are used to track and monitor when employees start and stop work. A time and attendance system provides many benefits to organizations as it enables an employer to have full control of their employees working hours as it monitors late arrivals, early departures, time taken on breaks and absenteeism. It also helps to control labor costs by reducing over-payments, which are often caused by paying employees for time that are not working, and eliminates transcription error, interpretation error and intentional error. TA systems are also invaluable for ensuring compliance with labor regulations regarding proof of attendance. All of these benefits provide both employer and employees with confidence in the accuracy of their wage payments all while improving productivity.
Modern automated time and attendance systems simply require employees to touch or swipe to identify themselves and record their working hours as they enter or leave the work area. Originally this consisted of using a RFIDelectronic tag or a barcode badge but these have been replaced by bio-metrics (vein reader, hand geometry, fingerprint, or facial recognition), and touch screens devices. Modern biometric TNA systems offer additional benefitsover traditional manual systems which include
Faster processing of employees as attendance can be recorded with just one touch or a quick scan
Fraud prevention by eliminating duplicate and fake registration
Saves time as attendance can either be integrated directly with your payroll system or it can produce a report that can be downloaded or printed
Improves punctuality and reduces long breaks and absenteeism
Saves time as it can either integrate directly with your payroll system or produce a report that can be downloaded or printed
Time Attendance device supports
Finger Print
Password (pin)
Face Recognition